The Course

Hey there, future geometry whiz! Ever stared at complex shapes and figures, scratching your head on how they come together? Well, you're in for a treat! This dynamic course takes you on a journey through the world of geometry, transforming abstract concepts into tangible models. You'll be using Sketchup, a super user-friendly 3D modeling tool, to bring those pesky geometric principles to life. From the basics of lines and angles to the wonders of polygons and solids, each lesson is crafted to help you visualize and understand geometry like never before. Picture this: creating, twisting, and manipulating shapes with just a click and a drag, unraveling the mysteries of geometry with every model you build.

But wait, it gets even cooler. Not only will you master the theorems and formulas that have been giving students headaches for centuries, but you'll also see how they apply in the real world. You'll connect the dots between classroom theory and practical application, exploring how architects, engineers, and video game designers use geometry to create everything from skyscrapers to stunning virtual landscapes. By the end of this course, you'll have a solid grasp of geometry and a killer set of Sketchup skills to boot. So, are you ready to sketch your way to geometric genius? Let's dive in and transform those abstract ideas into something you can actually see and touch!

What you will learn

Jumping right in, I designed this course from the ground up with your learning journey in mind. We'll start with the basics, ensuring that each concept is well understood before moving on to the more complex shapes and designs. You'll discover that the course is meticulously organized into bite-sized lessons that build on each other, making it super easy to follow along and track your progress. I've made sure that everything is laid out logically, so you'll never feel lost. You'll find this structured approach incredibly helpful as it allows you to gradually develop your skills while gaining confidence in using the software to explore geometric concepts. Plus, the interactive nature of the lessons means you’ll be applying what you’ve learned right away, which is great for retention and really getting a feel for how geometry comes to life through your designs.

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Your instructor

Anjél Clark brings a wealth of experience to the dynamic world of geometric learning, having woven a rich tapestry of both practical and theoretical knowledge throughout her career. Her journey as an educator began with a profound interest in the spatial complexities of shapes and forms, which naturally gravitated towards a specialization in geometry. Anjél has honed her craft over years of dedicated teaching, both inside traditional classrooms and through innovative online platforms. Her expertise is not just in imparting geometric principles, but also in integrating cutting-edge tools that enhance interactive learning and comprehension.

At the heart of Anjél’s teaching philosophy is the use of SketchUp, a powerful 3D modeling software that brings geometry to life for her students. She is a staunch advocate for incorporating technology into education to provide immersive, hands-on experiences. Anjél’s course, "Learning Geometry with SketchUp," is a testament to her commitment to fostering a deeper understanding of geometry through visualization and design. Her passion for the subject is infectious, as she helps students unlock the potential of SketchUp to explore geometric concepts, encouraging creativity, precision, and a joy for learning that transcends the confines of the classroom.


Engage with Geometry in a Hands-on Digital Environment


Mastering Spatial Concepts with User-Friendly Tools


Exploring Geometric Dimensions with Cutting-Edge 3D Modelling